"NATO-OST-ERWEITERUNG", welch ein beschämender Begriff politischer Unkultur!

Unterstützen Sie die friedliche Beilegung des russisch-ukrainischen Krieges,
unterstützen Sie Bemühungen, welche zur Deeskalation des Konfliktes beitragen,
unterzeichnen Sie das MANIFEST FÜR FRIEDEN!

"NATO-EAST-ENLARGEMENT", what a shameful term of political unculture!

Support a peaceful solution of Russian-Ukrainian war, support efforts, which
contribute to de-escalation of conflict - sign the MANIFESTO FOR PEACE!

Degeneration of human culture

Be conscious of destructive influence of egoism and materialism

on human spirituality!

Don't follow "leaders" who preach war as their religion!

Be mindful of the international law! - Respect other cultures!


The arrogance of power is not the way of human culture!

It will bring the causers and those who follow suffering and spiritual decline!

Animation - Grafik
Ossian Picture